Molly and I visited a church in Allen this past week and the pastor spoke on part of Mark chapter 1. This is the part in Mark’s account that Jesus finds Peter, Andrew, James and John fishing in the Sea of Galilee and He says, “follow me,” and they “immediately left their nets and followed Him.” While this portion of Scripture brings up all sorts of questions concerning why the four of them felt compelled to leave their nets with no questions asked (which is explained in the other Gospel accounts), Pastor Buddy brought up a point I had never pondered.
Jesus tells them in verse 17, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” You probably have heard that before. I know I have for many years, and I have always run over it without much thought to His choice of words, but Pastor Buddy brought up the point of what is not there. Jesus did not choose to say, “Follow Me, and I will make you better Jews, or better people, or teach you how to preach a sermon.” Jesus used this moment in time to convey to them His passion for the hearts of mankind.
Did you know that Jesus is passionately seeking you? And He’s has no desire to make you a better churchgoer, or to capture you with His list of rules and regulations. He has a passion give you life and give it abundantly through a deep and meaningful relationship with him. Will you come to Him? Feel free to comment or email me at if you want to know more.
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